(SELECTED WORKS 2017 – 2023)
(in development)

Production: Lamaland
Development support: FLAD – Fundação Luso Americana para o desenvolvimento, Macdowell
Distribution: Mousse Publishing, DAP | Distributed Art Publishers, Vice Versa Distribution, Les Presses du Réel, Antenne Books
Support: Dgartes – Direção Geral das Artes, Batalha Centro de Cinema

In 2023, Salomé Lamas: Parafiction II (selected works 2017-2023) explores the singularity of Lamas' work that lies in the dialogue of different modes of signification (writing, cinema, video, installation, theatre, performance). The originality of this work, which she has dubbed parafiction, presents a polygraphed nature that ends up providing a large-scale mapping of the contemporary artistic creation understood in its transdisciplinary dimensions, evidence of a research embedded in the present time, but which also frames production processes. The book covers Lamas’ selected works from 2017 to 2023 and includes project notes and production memoirs, contributions by Yaron Dahan, David Perrin, Eric Hynes, Nico Marzano, Sara Magno, Maria Filomena Molder, Pascal Cassagnou, Delfim Sardo, Penelope Curtis, Lars Henrik Grass, Adelina von Furstenberg, Andreea Patru, Michael Sicinski, Matthew Chan, João Laia, Miguel Amado, Emmet Kelley, Frédéric Neyrat, Alba Giménez Gil, Giovanbattista Tusa, Maria Moseng, Boaventura de Sousa Santos.
    Parafiction II (selected works 2017-2023) should be understood as an expected continuation of Parafiction I (selected works 2010-2016) and the second volume of a wider collection – Salomé Lamas: Parafiction – that aims at exposing the archaeology of her practice, her matters of concern and her extensive archive. All the books in the collection follow the same editorial structure.

Mousse publishing
Batalha Centro de Cinema



Parafiction II delivers a special edition with an unfinished appendix in the form of a booklet – Problems of Translation and Critique in Parafiction: On the creative process and other pragmatisms that exposes a cosmology of references and experiences addressing innumerous matters of the creative process and other pragmatisms. It was written as a thread of references and citations that were altered, re-edited, re-signified all colliding into sometimes paradoxical directions and therefore, showing an unbalanced style. Autobiographic events and project productions that connect to the practical component of her practice are unveiled along with graphics and drawing framing matters of concern and methodologies.

© All images are copyright LAMALAND│Salomé Lamas.
Texts copyright Salomé Lamas and the respective authors.