HD video 16.9, color, mono sound, 39 min, The Netherlands – Portugal 
Production: Lamaland
Support: Sandberg Instituut
Distribution: Collectif Jeune Cinema, Kinoscope

How can I lie that I’m asleep and be faster than my body? – ‘But it wasn’t so violent, was it?’ She stayed in bed repeating that she was sleepy for 40 minutes. ‘I’ve wanted it to be almost like a mantra and to generate tension.’ The embroidery draw maps the relation between a mother and a daughter. Time past and time present if all time is eternally present all time is unredeemable. ‘It was a school exercise, I would use what was close to me, what was domestic, and you were part of it’ Fourteen years have past. I take her images; I compel her to answer me. She is the mother. She is the daughter. She is my mother.

It was developed under the frame of Fine Arts Master Program of the Sandberg Instituut, Gerrit Rietveld Academie and first exhibited at first exibited at Kunstvlaai / Art Pie, a biennial art event organized by Sandberg Instituut, Gerrit Rietveld Academie with external partners, Amsterdam (10-18 May 2010)
© All images are copyright LAMALAND│Salomé Lamas.
Texts copyright Salomé Lamas and the respective authors.