HD video, 16:9, color, live music, 40 min., Portugal/Spain  
In collaboration with Filipe Felizardo (audiovisual performance with live music)
Commission: Filmadrid
Production: Lamaland
Support: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Filmadrid,Screen
Video Installation Edition: Coleção António Cachola – collection, Portugal

In North:Trial by Fire a daring group of boys feel the nightly hoods with their Mirandês cries. Mysterious, hypnotic, and trance-like old rites are set around a bonfire by the Caretos. Wild musical loops, improvisation, and endurance set the mood.

The project was developed under the frame of a commission by Filmadrid – Festival Internacional de Cine and first exhibited as a live performance, in the festival’s second edition at La Casa Encendida, Madrid (9 June – 14 June 2015).

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

© All images are copyright LAMALAND│Salomé Lamas.
Texts copyright Salomé Lamas and the respective authors.