HD vídeo, 16:9, cor, som stereo, 29 min., Portugal 
Production: Lamaland
Support: Corredor Associação Cultural, Galeria Zé dos Bois
Distribution: Collectif Jeune Cinema, Kinoscope
DVD Release: FNAC/ Indie Lisboa Short Films DVD, Portugal; Angular Films DVD, Spain; Shellac Sud DVD, EXTRA, Terra nullius: Confessions d'un mercenaire, France

Encounters with Landscape (3X) was shot in São Miguel, the largest Island of the Azores and is divided into a prologue and three acts. It embraces a three-act structure to wage a war of mythical proportions, culminating in a reaffirmation of the inferiority of humans with respect to nature.

The project was developed under the frame of an artist residency by Corredor Associação Cultural, a training and production structure of Cinema and Performing Arts, São Miguel (2011).

Collectif Jeune Cinema
Corredor Associação Cultural

© All images are copyright LAMALAND│Salomé Lamas.
Texts copyright Salomé Lamas and the respective authors.