HD video, 2:39, color, Dolby 5.1 sound, 25 min., Portugal 
Production: O Som e a Fúria
Support: ICA – Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual
Distribution: Agência Portuguesa da Curta Metragem — Curtas Metragens CRL, Kinoscope, RTP – Radio Televisão Portuguesa

In Coup de Grâce, Leonor returns from a trip on a day where her dad wasn’t expecting her. They will live a crescendoing hallucinated reality in twenty-four hours, led by Francisco’s unsettling state of apparent normality.

O Som e a Furia
Agência Portuguesa da Curta Metragem — Curtas Metragens CRL

© All images are copyright LAMALAND│Salomé Lamas.
Texts copyright Salomé Lamas and the respective authors.