HD video, 16:9, black and white, Dolby 5.1 sound, 8 min., Portugal/Germany/Moldova
In collaboration with Christoph Both-Asmus
Production: Mengamuk Films, O Som e a Fúria
Support: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Yaddo, Bogliasco Foundation, Bikini, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Distribution: Agência da Curta Metragem, Kinoscope, RTP
Video Installation Edition: Fundação EDP/MAAT Museu de Arte Arquitectura e Tecnologia – collection, Portugal
Harvard Film Archive (HFA) / Harvard University – collection, Portugal
Video Installation Edition: CNAP – Centre National de Arts Plastiques – collection, Portugal

Produced with materials collected during the production of Extinção/ Extinction
Production: O Som e a Fúria, Lamaland, Mengamuk Films, Walla Collective, Screen Miguel Nabinho, Bikini
Development Support: Agora Works in Progress 2016 Thessaloniki International Film Festival.
Additional Support: Screen Miguel Nabinho, Walla Colective, Bikini, Yuki, Bogliasco Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Yadoo
Support: Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, ICA – Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual

Maybe Kolja’s experiment of merging his body (human) with the tree (nature) venturing into a border zone between the earth and the sky is due to his purity of spirit, to the grandeur of the idiots, or the foolishness of the mystics; or is it all this together? Maybe it is a symptom of the enlightened – or simply an elaborated suicide.

It was produced for the exhibition Salomé Lamas: Parafiction at Serralves Museum, Porto (20 February – 3 May 2015)

Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

© All images are copyright LAMALAND│Salomé Lamas.
Texts copyright Salomé Lamas and the respective authors.